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Please contact us directly at 9674 6874 for specific enquiries!
Payment via Paynow to be made to UEN T20LL0838A (UN STUDIO LLP)

For those who are looking for a space to practise and work independently. Use of material is unlimited, firing charged separately.

You will get access to:

  • Unlimited clay
  • Throwing wheels
  • Use of studio tools & equipments
  • Use of glazes
  • Reading materials available in the studio &
  • Storage space to store your works in progress

Flexible scheduling:

  • Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
  • Morning slot - 10am to 1pm
  • Afternoon slot - 3pm to 6pm
  • Evening slot - 7pm to 9.30pm (weekdays only)

How it works & Price Packages:

  • Each slot will count as 1 session (e.g. if you book for all 3 slots to work a full day, it will be equivalent to using up 3 sessions)
  • Membership packages will expire if not used within a certain time frame; no extensions.

  • 10 sessions - $550 (to be used within 3 months)
  • 20 sessions - $1040  (to be used within 5 months)
  • 30 sessions - $1500  (to be used within 8 months)

Studio Membership

Regular price $550.00
Unit price

Please contact us directly at 9674 6874 for specific enquiries!
Payment via Paynow to be made to UEN T20LL0838A (UN STUDIO LLP)

For those who are looking for a space to practise and work independently. Use of material is unlimited, firing charged separately.

You will get access to:

  • Unlimited clay
  • Throwing wheels
  • Use of studio tools & equipments
  • Use of glazes
  • Reading materials available in the studio &
  • Storage space to store your works in progress

Flexible scheduling:

  • Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
  • Morning slot - 10am to 1pm
  • Afternoon slot - 3pm to 6pm
  • Evening slot - 7pm to 9.30pm (weekdays only)

How it works & Price Packages:

  • Each slot will count as 1 session (e.g. if you book for all 3 slots to work a full day, it will be equivalent to using up 3 sessions)
  • Membership packages will expire if not used within a certain time frame; no extensions.

  • 10 sessions - $550 (to be used within 3 months)
  • 20 sessions - $1040  (to be used within 5 months)
  • 30 sessions - $1500  (to be used within 8 months)